X Ray repairs ,Digital X Ray Machine , Brisbane

Sales & Service Toll Free:1800 838 420
Emergency & Breakdown Call direct: 0468 328 964
Used X-ray & Diagnostic Equipment
Second Hand Equipment
From time to time, we come across equipment that has been traded on upgraded equipment, repossessed by finance companies or from corporate changes. This equipment is tested and serviced and provides a great opportunity to grab a bargain or be a great intermediary step to a higher investment later. These are also great options to consider for having backup systems should your regular equipment goes down.
If you are looking for something in particular, we also have a network of industry contacts to source for your needs.
Listings on this page change regularly. Please join our mailer if you would like to be kept updated.

Shimadzu General Xray room, includes elevating table, tube stand, wall bucky and generator. sold

Shimadzu General Xray room, includes elevating table, tube stand, wall bucky and generator. 15K ex gst complete $25K ex gst installed Brisbane

Shimadzu General Xray room, includes elevating table, tube stand, wall bucky and generator. 15K ex gst complete $25K ex gst installed Brisbane

Shimadzu General Xray room, includes elevating table, tube stand, wall bucky and generator. sold